Projectors can be fun and versatile, but they can also be a pain to set up and operate. That’s why it’s important to know what the five features of a good projector are before purchasing one. Here are just 5 of those features!
1) Size:
The size of your projector has a direct impact on the number of people it would take to set up and operate your project, so consider how big you’ll need it to be before you make your purchase.
2) Lamp Life:
The amount of time your lamp will last is an important factor in how many hours you will have with your projector. The longer the time the lens will give you, the more enjoyable your projector will be.
3) Quality of Image:
The quality of the image your projector produces is one of the biggest factors in whether a projector is worth purchasing at all. A good projector will make you look like a pro and ensure that you always have an amazing picture on hand. Video should be crisp and clear to see!

4) Control:
Depending on what sort of films or presentations you want to do, there can be several different control options that can help you set up and operate your projection so it is easy for everyone involved. For example, some models come equipped with a wireless remote that can allow you to control the brightness directly from your screen.
5) Controllability:
Depending on what you will be doing, there can also different ways to control how your projector works. For example, if you want continuous or programmed lighting patterns to be used, you may need a special controller which can easily make them happen.
Each of these features is important and impact the overall process of making this one of the 5 most important factors in purchasing a projector. Although it may be difficult to find a projector that checks all of the boxes, be sure to keep these features in mind to ensure that you’re making the right choice.